سال ۱۴۰۳، سال جهش تولید با مشارکت مردم



*A. Abdollahi, M. R. Oboudi , Distance between spectra of graphs , Linear Algebra and its Applications, 466(2015),401-408 . (PDF) .

*- S. Salarian , R.vahed , Almost split sequences in the category of complexes of modules , Journal of Algebra and its Applications , 14(2015)no.3, (PDF) .

*  H.R.Ebrahimi Vishki , B.khodsiani ,and A. Rejali , Weighted semigroup measure algebra as a WAP - algebra , to appear in  U.P.B.Sci.Bull, Series A . (PDF) .

*   F. Abtahi , A.Ghafarpanah , and A. Rejali,   SEMISIMPLE SEGAL FR´E CHET ALGEBRAS, to appear in Periodica Mathematica Hungarica , (PDF) .

 A.Tavakoli, A.Rejali , Amenability of groups and semigroups characterized by configuration ,   to appear in Iranian Math. Soc , Bull. (PDF) .

*   F. Abtahi , A.Ghafarpanah , and A. Rejali , PROJECTIVITY OF Lp(G, !) AS A L1(G)−MODULE , to appear in Proceedings of the Romanian Academy series A , (PDF) .

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